Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Conversation with Kumar

The journey from the area around Ramanashram, where most of the action is happening, to the Sparsa Hotel takes maybe 10-15 minutes. This is a typical conversation over that period of time with my preferred Rick-Astley driver Kumar. There are breaks in the conversation of a few minutes at times while he formulates his next question but for the sake of documenting it I have just kept it running, if that makes sense ? It’s highly frustrating and he is perhaps a little thicker than pig-shit but he is a very nice man, he’s just really trying to get it right so there are no mistakes.
Just to set the scene this would be taking place on the way back to Sparsa Hotel after having been in the town or up the hill or something, I am probably tired and just wanting to enjoy the horrendously bumpy ride without the chatter.

K: Tomorrow rickshaw coming going ?
G: Yes, going rickshaw 12 o’clock going Ramanashram
K: You going auto 12 o’clock ?
G: yes, auto rickshaw 12 o’clock, going Ramanashram
K: Me coming Sparsa picking up, Ramanashram going ?
G: Yes, tomorrow, 12 o’clock
K: Tomorrow going Ramanashram 12 o’clock, me coming ?
G: Yes
K: You going Sparsa 7 o’clock me coming ?
G: Yes, pick me up, Ramanashram 7 o’clock
K: Going Sparsa, me coming going picking up ?
G: Yes
K: 12 o’clock me coming going Sparsa ?
G: I think so
K: 7 o’clock Sparsa me coming going Ramanshram ?
G: What ?
K: You want 7.30 me coming going Sparsa ?
G: No, 7 o’clock is good
K: 6.30 me coming ?
G: No no, 7 o’clock is good
K: OK, 7 o’clock me coming Ramanashram going Sparsa ?
G: Yes
K: Me coming Sparsa picking up, Ramanashram 12 o’clock going ?
G: Yes, ever thought of learning to write and getting a diary ?
K: Huh ?
G: Nothing
K: 7 o’clock me coming Ramanshram going Sparsa ?
G: Yes
K: Hooooooooiiiiiiiik….pitooooooeeeeee ! You coming going rickshaw ?
G: Urghhh, nice ! Yes going rickshaw
K: Tomorrow ?
G: Yes
K: OK, Me coming Sparsa picking up, Ramanashram 12 o’clock going ?
G: Yes
K: 7 o’clock me coming Ramanashram going Sparsa ?
G: Yes
K: You want 12.30 me coming ?
G: No, 12 o’clock is good
K: Me coming 11.30 ?
G: No, 12 o’clock is good
K: OK, Me coming Sparsa picking up, Ramanashram 12 o’clock going ?
G: Yes
K: Me picking up laundry coming going rickshaw ?
G: No, not tomorrow, too confusing
K: No laundry ?
G: Yes laundry but lets not worry about that now, getting a sore head
K: Me laundry picking up bring Sparsa coming going ?
G: No laundry
K: Hooooooooiiiiiiiik….pitooooooeeeeee !   Ahhh, no laundry ?
G: No laundry, just me Sparsa picking up coming going Ramanshram
K: You coming rickshaw tomorrow
G: Yes
K: Me coming Sparsa picking up, Ramanashram 12 o’clock going ?
G: Yes
K: 7 o’clock me coming Ramanashram going Sparsa ?
G: Yes
K: No laundry ?
G: No
K: Hooooooooiiiiiiiik….pitooooooeeeeee !
G: That’s not nice
K: Indian man always doing, coming going, always
G: But it’s not nice for western visitor
K: Indian man doing coming going picking up
G: Oh that’s OK then. Oh look, we are at Sparsa already, what a nice journey
K: Me coming Sparsa picking up, Ramanashram 12 o’clock going ?
G: Yes
K: 7 o’clock me coming Ramanashram going Sparsa ?
G: Yes
K: No laundry ?
G: No
K: Hooooooooiiiiiiiik….pitooooooeeeeee !
G: Ever thought of having your vocal chords removed ?
K: What ?
G: Nothing, see you 12 o’clock rickshaw coming going tomorrow you me

Photo post #7653